The doll noisemaker on the telephone - my personal favorite |
I think the term “global village” speaks to the notion of interconnectedness. “Interconnectedness” resonates with me and the type of art I like to create, because I leave things around, and I do it because it makes me feel involved with the environment owing to the way the location I choose for leaving a piece of artwork influences how it is perceived. “The environment as a processor of information is propaganda” (McLuhan, 142). When Emmeth and I were considering ideas for this project, we liked the thought of leaving things around the school. We ended up making two quite aesthetically different noisemakers, and I took 89 photos and edited 20 in PhotoShop. At first I was focused on where would look most uncontrived for the noisemaker to appear, especially with Emmeth’s, because the colors she used were more subdued and natural-looking, so the choice of where to take the photo was based more heavily on the noisemaker. At one point, I went into the props storage room in the theater department, and started poking around there for places to put the doll. Towards the end, the photos I was taking of both noisemakers were based more on the ambience of the location, the lighting and other environmental aspects. I was especially trying to make the doll noisemaker look as creepy and haunted as I could with camera angles and shadows.
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Outtake of the green noisemaker |
The green noisemaker on the stage in Stansbury Theatre |
I really like how you do both sounds and photo projects. The photos are like the poster of the play, which have the doll as the main actress. I really love these photos for dolls.